At Olympus Property, your safety and comfort are our first priorities. We're keeping this in mind as we begin to reopen select offices and amenities in accordance with CDC guidelines.
As we welcome you inside, we're putting your health first by thoroughly sanitizing our spaces, keeping a distance, and maintaining virtual services. On top of all this, we've created this handy guide to keep you both safe and healthy at your Olympus home.
Health experts agree that proper hand washing is the single most effective way to protect against germs. It not only rids your own body of unwanted sources of infection, but it also helps minimize its spread. Keeping your hands clean requires little more than warm, running water and plenty of soap. Thorough and frequent hand washing can make all the difference. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends scrubbing your hands each time for at least 20 seconds. You might want to hum a happy tune while you wash to keep track of the time.
Wearing a face mask in public settings is now recommended by the CDC. It is considered a sensible way to protect others, especially in situations when it is difficult to maintain social distancing measures. A simple cloth mask can help cover a cough or sneeze as well as serve as a reminder not to touch your own face. It is a precaution well worth the inconvenience.
Cloth masks are inexpensive to purchase and easy to make at home. You can find instructions from multiple sources online, including the CDC website, or take advantage of other talented crafters' skills on sites like Etsy.
Social distancing measures are some of the best ways to reduce and slow the spread of contagions in your community. The CDC recommends physical distancing of at least 6 feet between people outside your own home or family. It is particularly important for people who are at higher risk of health complications to maintain spatial distance.
Social distancing can be a challenge but it remains, according to the CDC, one of the best tools for reducing community spread. You might have to give up the handshakes for now but sharing smiles is still always welcome.
It only makes sense to take care of yourself while you are at home. Clean and disinfect everyday surfaces including doorknobs, countertops, and anything you touch regularly. Just as important is to be alert for any changes in your own health. Be on the lookout for the CDC-listed symptoms especially after a trip to the grocery store or after a day at work.
If you are experiencing any symptoms like fever or cough, stay home, and call your doctor. Preventative measures, self-monitoring, and staying informed will help us all transition successfully as we reopen our world.
Olympus Property is happy to help you safely find your perfect new home. Contact us anytime for more information or to arrange a personal tour.