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stack of old photographs | ways to show off personal cards and notes

Fun Ways to Organize Personal Cards & Notes


It's exciting to receive greeting cards, notes, holiday cards, and other relics from friends and family. However, when they accumulate, you might start to get overwhelmed. To avoid your apartment looking cluttered, here are some ways to store sentimental notes and memories from loved ones:

Frame Them

You can create a gallery wall if you choose to frame your keepsakes. Simply pick one wall in your apartment and use wall-safe adhesive to hang up a collection of framed cards and notes. This way, all your guests will be able to see the notes and cards that have sentimental value to you, and you won't have to deal with them piling up on your kitchen table or bedroom nightstand—wherever they always end up!

Create a Memory Box

Oftentimes, sentimental objects don't make it to a storage container. Instead, they pile up in inconvenient places. You can get more organized by creating a designated memory box. Whenever you get something sentimental, put it in the memory box.

Scan Them and Make a Book

There's nothing more heartfelt than a homemade book that features notes, cards, art, and more from throughout the years. There are several retailers that allow you to design your own photo book online, and with the help of these companies, you can make a coffee table book that houses your sentimental belongings. Simply scan all your notes and cards and design the book with the scanned images.

Your home should be a place that is filled with personal décor, and when you choose to store away your sentimental items in one of these creative ways, it will be just that. For more information about living in an Olympus Corporate home, contact us.


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