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Five Ways to Incorporate Movement into Your Life


Daily movement is important for physical and mental health. Thankfully, you don't need a fancy gym membership or even a big house to incorporate movement into your everyday life. You can start one or two healthy movement habits in your Olympus Property today!

Stretch Every Morning

A simple 10-15 minute stretch routine every morning is a quick and easy way to get your body moving and your happy hormones flowing. If mornings aren't your thing, you can also do stretches to calm yourself down right before you go to bed.

Complete Low-Impact Home Workouts

While people use "apartment life" as an excuse to avoid working out, that doesn't have to be the case. You do want to be considerate of your neighbors if you live on an upper floor. But there are plenty of low-impact home workouts designed specifically for apartment dwellers. In fact, low-impact workouts are better for your joints anyway!

Incorporate Cleaning Into Your Daily Routine

Movement doesn't always come in the form of an exercise routine. Tasks like cleaning the bathroom, wiping counters, sweeping the floor, washing windows, etc. all require moving your body, right? So take a break from sitting every now and then, turn on your favorite hype music, and kill two birds with one stone.

Take a Walk Outside

Getting outside is crucial for your health, especially if you work from home. As awesome as your Olympus apartment is, being out in nature is a must. Take a walk, ride your bike, pull out your skateboard, get in the pool at your apartment complex, or find another way to get outside that suits your preferences. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Have A Dance Party In The Kitchen

Who said that movement had to be boring? If other forms of movement just don't appeal to you, that's okay. Dancing is a great way to move your body. Whether you're cooking, doing dishes, or completing other chores, turn on your favorite dance music and let loose! Daily movement comes in many different forms. How will you choose to incorporate movement into your Olympus Apartments life?


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