Not only do indoor plants have an appealing aesthetic and add excellent decor to your home or office space, science has shown that just looking at one small plant can significantly reduce your stress levels, improving your mood and increasing productivity.
Learn how to easily add more plants to your life with this quick guide from Granite 550.
Work Your Way Up
If you are new to indoor houseplants, choosing the right plant can feel daunting. Our best advice: Start small. Pick up a few plants that work best for your space and your ability to care for them. Consider the amount of light needed and how much watering is necessary.
Plants You’ll Love
Succulents are perfect candidates for first plants since they are low maintenance and do best when you basically ignore them. Another favorite? The beloved pothos, which is relatively low maintenance and lets you know when it needs water (hello, droopy leaves). For a larger statement plant, invest in a monstera deliciosa, also known as the “Swiss cheese plant” for its distinctive, holey leaves.
Don’t Let Space (or a Lack Thereof) Limit You
When you’re ready to take your indoor garden to the next level, you can compensate for a lack of space by thinking vertically. A macrame plant hanger looks beautiful and will take up zero floor space, filling a once-empty corner. There are also several ways to style a wall with plants, like this hanging shelf from Urban Outfitters or these simple-yet-stylish wall-mounted planters on Amazon.
We hope this guide helps you create your perfect green haven so you can reap all the benefits of owning indoor plants. For more tips and tricks on reducing stress, beautifying your home, and generally winning at life, visit the Granite 550 blog.