Looking for a way to add a bit of fun and mischief to your work or home life this April Fools Day? We’ve got you covered with these three hilarious pranks. Expect surprise, laughter, and good ol’ fashioned fun.
Fake Spiders
There’s a reason fake spiders are a classic April Fools’ Day Prank – the opportunities are nearly endless. Whether it’s an infestation of spiders in the shower for your spouse or roommate to find, an eight-legged insect on your coworkers chair or keyboard, or a giant spider dropping from the ceiling, this prank usually gets a pretty strong reaction. Just be kind and don’t try any of these on a true arachnophobe!
Googly Eyes
Looking for something a little more harmless than fake spiders? Googly eyes are a perfect way to bring some fun and laughter to this unofficial holiday without the scare factor. Everyone in your household will get a good surprise and giggle when they open the fridge to find each of the items peering back at them. You can also use this trick inside a lunchbox or on all of the products in your bathroom. Grab an extra large set of googly eyes for the copy machine or another large appliance at work.
Mind Game Pranks
Harmless pranks that cause surprise or confusion are another fun way to inject some fun into your usual routine. Spend some time setting the scene, and then sit back and pretend nothing is out of the ordinary. Scramble your kitchen items by putting dishes and utensils away in different drawers and cabinets, and then see how long it takes your roomies to locate a bowl and a spoon for breakfast. If you are heading to work, try some classic office hijinks on your coworkers – swap their pencils for crayons, cover their entire desk and monitor with post-its, or decorate their workstation with trolls (they’ve been trolled!). The trick here is keeping a straight face so no one can point their fingers at you – good luck!
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