You guys! Canopy beds! Finally they’re cool again. Who hasn’t always wanted one of these? And no, they aren’t just for the ladies. Everyone can enjoy a canopy bed. Check out this guide to making your own version – and you can sleep like the little prince/princess you truly are.
1. The Frame
The first step is really to measure a bunch of stuff, but that’s no fun, so we’re just going to jump right in and you can measure that on your own time! PVC plumbing pipe is a good choice here. Buy enough that you can make a large rectangle the size of your bed.
2. Hang Your Frame
Screw approximately eight steel screw eyes into your ceiling and attach to your frame using steel wire, chain, or twine. Make sure that anything you attach to the ceiling can be removed without damage easily and invisibly patched.
3. Attach Your Curtains
Select some luxurious fabric to adorn each corner of your bed. Maybe something that will billow out or that’s gauzy and will look spooky at night. Use curtain rings with clips to attach it to your rod. Be careful that the fabric you choose isn’t too heavy, or you may need to add additional screw eyes to support your hanging frame.
4. Set the Mood
You’re done! Now it’s time to throw on that old The Cure record and twirl around as you prance back and forth across your room. Go on, don’t be shy. You know the words. Maybe light some candles and incense, too. Just don’t get anything that’s on fire too close to that canopy! That is not the mood we are going for.
For more tips on living in the past, in style, visit the Olympus Stone Glen blog.