When you see inspiration for self care activities, it’s often advice on taking a bubble bath, painting your nails, or putting on a facial mask – you know, the frilly stuff! Instead, The Slate is here, in honor of our Self Care Saturday event happening Jan. 30, to bring you some more realistic, soothing activities that help your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Physical Self Care
One of the best ways to connect with your physical body is to get it moving! Whether it’s an intense HIIT workout session, a walk with your pup out in nature, or a moment of meditation, there are plenty of ways to connect with yourself physically. Another great way to take care of yourself beyond basic maintenance (like showering, face masks, and getting your haircut), is to book a service that tunes up your body. Try an acupuncture session or make a massage appointment. Having a professional palpitate your muscles or clear knots and points of tension throughout your body is beyond refreshing. And while you might temporarily be slightly sore post-appointment, the longer term results will be well worth it.
Emotional Self Care
From talk therapy to journaling and affirmations, connecting with yourself emotionally is healing. This could look like finding a hobby that you resonate with on a deep level, chatting with friends or family, booking a therapy appointment once per month with a counselor, or writing daily in a gratitude journal.
Spiritual Self Care
Connecting with your spirituality is all about getting in touch with the human spirit. Try singing, dancing, meditating, practicing self reflection, finding a community, volunteering for a cause that you care about, practicing mindfulness, or finding inspiration.
Looking for more lifestyle inspiration? Make your way over to our other blog posts today.