There's nothing like spending some extra time at home to make you realize how much stuff you actually have. Reclaim your space inside our Savannah apartments with a purge. You'll be surprised how much relief you'll feel after you clean out some of your unnecessary stuff.
Here are a few tips for using your time at home wisely and accomplishing a massive purge.
Going through your entire apartment can seem like a daunting task, so instead, split it up into sections. Some rooms might be several sections, such as your bedroom and the walk-in closet, and others might be a single section, such as a bathroom or laundry room. On weekends, you might tackle several sections in a day, but you may find it's better to pace yourself and complete one section a day.
The hardest part of going through things is deciding whether you really need something. Consider each decision carefully to make sure you're making it for the right reasons. If you're truly not sure, label a box or bin as "undecided," put the item in there, and stuff it into the back of your closet. If the next time you clean your closet, you realize you'd forgotten all about it, then those things are obviously not needed, and everything in the bin can be purged.
It's easy to get overwhelmed by doing a purge of your possessions. You'll know you're too far gone to make honest decisions when you start marking everything you see as "keep" or "get rid of." Try to recognize when you're getting to this point and take a break! You can come back to the task when you're feeling more refreshed.
Once you've made the decision to get rid of things, it's best to get them out of the house as soon as possible. Haul the unsalvageable things to the dumpster or recycling, and drop a load of gently used items at a thrift store. Freecycle, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace are other great options for gently used items. Once they're out of your home, you can clean, reorganize, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a less cluttered home.
These are just a few tips to follow to help declutter your home. While spending more time inside our apartments for rent in Savannah GA, enjoy reading, binging Netflix, and reorganizing your belongings in a clutter-free space! Contact us for more information about joining our community.