While we navigate in the wake of COVID-19, it seems all businesses have gotten creative in the delivery of their services. We like that innovation always wins and are encouraged by the fact that yoginis and non-yoginis have plenty of opportunities to take time off to breathe, stretch, and center themselves. Here are 4 virtual yoga retreats you should check out!
The Yoga Lab
Join Marian, a Bali-based yoga instructor with more than 15 years of experience, as she guides you through a 7-day, all-online yoga retreat. Feel free to mix and match the sessions you wish to attend over the duration of the retreat. Chill, bend, reach, think, and breathe your way to a better you.
Boulder Nutrition – DIGEST Workshop
While centered on nutrition and wellness, we included this virtual retreat because of its focus on mind-body practices. This 6-week virtual retreat will help you understand the power of healing foods and the mind and body’s connection to healthy digestion.
Mantra Yoga & Meditation – Online Pranayama Course
Discover the relaxing rhythm of pranayama practice. Taught from India, students learn to blend asana (movement) and pranayama (breath). Engaging daily sessions over a 2-week period will help you learn techniques you can apply for a lifetime.
Yin Yoga Retreat
If you’ve never had the opportunity to study yin-style yoga, you’re in for a treat. While yin yoga challenges you to accept your body, how it moves, and where your mind wanders when poses seem challenging or impossible, the exhilaration and relief you feel after practicing this style of yoga is well-worth your effort.
While the world is different, yoga is still a reliable partner in navigating living a fulfilling and well life. At Olympus Fenwick, we’d love to hear from you on your favorite ways to chill out and relax.