If only we could all grow our own food using scraps from the very produce we have… oh wait, we can! Growing plants from the “inedible” parts of produce is not as uncommon as you might think. And once you start growing your own produce from food scraps, it’s easy to see why many novice gardeners give it a try. It’s delicious, and free! Read on for five produce scraps you can grow your own food with.
Yes, you can grow garlic by simply planting the cloves of a garlic bulb. In containers or a garden bed with loose soil, place garlic cloves four to six inches apart, in rows spaced one foot apart. The cloves should be planted with the pointed end up and blunt end down. Each clove should be pushed one to two inches into the soil, then watered. Plant in early spring or fall, and reap the benefits of flavorful garlic once the bulbs form.
Green Onions
Or sometimes referred to as spring onions, these tasty alliums can be placed in a small sup of water, roots-down for continued growing. Just trim the green lengthy portions off and top on your favorite foods for a little added flavor. Be sure to replace its water every couple of days.
Hang onto a few (organic) spuds and wait for them to shoutout, what are known as “eyes”, from the potato skin’s surface. Once sprouted, cut them in pieces, making sure to leave a few eyes on them before planting in a large container or pot. When planted in the spring and typically 18 to 20 weeks after initial planting, you can reap the benefits of homegrown spuds, just pull right out of the soil by the green stalk.
Celery & Lettuce
Quite possibly our favorite produce to grow from scraps, celery and other leafy greens grow right before your eyes, in your own house. Simply cut off a couple of inches of the root end of a bunch of celery, and place a few toothpicks around it to prop the root end up away from the bottom of the bowl. Place it in a shallow bowl with water, replacing water every few days. Watch it grow! When the roots grow about an inch long, you’ll want to replant in fresh soil.
Whether you consider it a science experiment or homegrown gardening, growing your own produce can be fun and rewarding. Get your start with these five produce scrap ideas, then head over to our other blog posts for recipe ideas!