Has someone other than you been maxing out your credit cards on veal bones and imported mineral water? Have you been finding catnip crumbs in the couch cushions? Is your dog no longer interested in a walk as soon as you get home? Does your cat suddenly have no problem sleeping through the vacuum cleaner? These could all be signs your little buddy or buddies are up to no good and heading down the wrong track, toward a life of crime or worse – a career as a social media influencer. But it’s not too late! Catch your cat or dog in the act and you’ll have the hard evidence to set them straight. Purchase one of these three pet monitors and show them you’re not messing around.
Furbo Dog Camera
The most popular pet camera on Amazon where it currently sells for around $200, this hourglass-shaped pet viewer sends an alarm to your phone when your dog barks and also allows you to bark back. Or talk. Whatever you’re into. Additionally, you can shoot treats from it by tapping the screen on your smartphone. And it has night vision, so you can easily keep them on their toes all hours of the day.
Pawbo Life Pet Camera
Currently around $150 on Amazon, this pet camera also shoots treats and allows you to talk with your pet. In addition, it contains a laser pointer which you can control, and other accessory toys are available that can also be controlled from the smartphone app – part of what they call their Pawbo Theme Park. You can also control multiple Pawbos from the same app at the same time, and up to eight different people can control aspects of the camera concurrently. Plus, it connects directly to all your favorite social media platforms, so it’s easy to snap photos and share them immediately. Your pets aren’t going to know what hit them!
Nest Cam Security Camera
This Nest camera is currently under $130 on Amazon and quite popular with almost 10,000 ratings. It offers both noise and movement alerts, and allows you to speak to your pets and snap photos, and it has night vision. It doesn’t shoot treats or have a built-in toy, but Nest is a well-established company that you should be able to count on for reliable performance.
For more tips on keeping your pets in line, check out the Fusion Apartments blog.