The art of paying compliments to someone may not come easy for you. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll reap the benefits of making others feel genuinely good. In honor of National Compliment Day on Monday, Jan. 24, here are three meaningful things you can say to others. You know, to get you started.
Say It Like You Mean It
Compliments are an incredible tool when it comes to strengthening your relationships, building bonds, and ultimately, creating positive energy for both people. While empty compliments can be cool (“I like your shirt!”), try really digging down and thinking about the values that you appreciate in another person. It goes a long way to give a meaningful, well-thought-out compliment. For example, if your friend is working really hard toward a specific goal, acknowledge their hard work and dedication, and let them know how they’ve inspired you. A compliment like that can easily act as a natural motivator, giving more momentum to the cause.
Follow The KISS Method
KISS, or Keep It Sincere and Specific, is an excellent rule to follow when doling out compliments. Nonspecific compliments can get lost in the noise. Be specific in your compliment and reflect on why you mean it. If your friend is one to be there at the drop of a hat, thank them for that with a compliment. “I really admire your ability to always be there for me. You’ve shown me what it means to be a true friend, and I strive to be more like that.”
Call Out Positive Physical & Personal Traits
Everyone can use a little compliment paid to their appearance or personal traits every now and then. If your friend has a pretty smile, tell them often. If they’ve got a great sense of humor and always make people laugh, let them know. If you’ve got a friend who always thinks of the best gifts, make sure they are aware of their amazing gift-giving skills.
A compliment is a two-way street, making both parties genuinely happy and fulfilled in their relationship with one another. Follow these tips on complimenting those who are important to you and you won’t regret it. For more helpful tips, check out The Tessera’s blog.