It’s March, aka springtime, in Flagstaff! And with spring comes brighter days, warmer weather, and lots of local events and activities to enjoy. So, with spring in the air, here is a list of three fun local activities happening this month to help you celebrate the changing of the season.
Ax Throwing League Night
Once upon a time ax throwing may have been considered a fad. But ax throwing has remained a popular pastime with no signs of stopping any time soon. In fact, ax throwing has become such a big part of the current zeitgeist that you can even join a local Axe Throwing League Night! You can sign up at Flag Tag AZ and get started today.
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Start your St. Patrick’s Day off with a gift from your friends at Mountain Trail. All you have to do is throw on something green and head down to the front office between 3 and 5 PM and have a beer on us!
Walnut Canyon National Monument
For the final entry on this list, we’re heading outdoors to the Walnut Canyon National Monument. This historic landmark is a favorite spot for tourists and residents alike. Here, you can travel the Island Trail and explore the ancient Sinagua cliff dwellings that line the steep canyon walls that descend to Walnut Creek at the bottom. It’s a relatively easy hike with gorgeous canyon views at the visitor center.
For more fun articles about what’s going on in the area and right at home, be sure to check out our other Mountain Trail blog posts.