According to research from Kaiser Permanente, journaling can help you achieve goals, track personal growth, gain self confidence, and reduce stress. Staying grateful during the holiday season is paramount. Now is the perfect time to reflect, count your blessings, and stay positive. Here are a few mindful writing prompts to inspire your gratitude journaling.
What Was Your Favorite Holiday Season Ever?
Holidays can be a good time for some folks, and a rough time for others. Look back at the best holiday season you had and describe it in detail. Make sure to talk about the relationships and events that really made it special.
What Brings You Joy?
Dive deep and talk about what brings you the most joy during the holiday season. It’s easy to get caught up in gift giving, traditions, and stress-baking when those festive activities might not be worth your time. Identify what matters, so you can focus on your happiness this year.
Describe One Of Your Greatest Accomplishments This Year
One of the biggest benefits of gratitude is tracking your personal progress. Don’t forget all your small victories – celebrate them! Outline one of your greatest achievements or emotional growth moments you had this year. Added bonus? If a family member you haven’t seen in a few years asks what you’ve been up to, you have a fleshed-out answer ready to go!
Describe How You Can Show Gratitude to Others
Saying “Thank you” is an easy way to show gratitude, but it’s not always the most effective. Take a few minutes to think about the people who have really impacted your life. Everyone has their own love language, so consider how you can show your gratitude to them in a unique way that means a lot to them.
Looking to start a new gratitude journal? Here is a cute one to help you plan your journaling journey next year. Find more mindful ideas at the Vive blog.